Drilled Shafts
Drilled shafts or caissons consist of concrete and reinforcing steel. This is typically the solution when high axial and/or lateral capacity or a rock socket are required for a foundation system. Beaty has drilled shafts up to 108” diameter and can handle difficult soil conditions requiring cased shafts or slurry drilling. Beaty’s drilling equipment fleet also offers the ability to drilled shafts with limited access and low headroom.

Fed Ex OB4 Conveyor Bridge
Project Location: Indianapolis Airport
Owner: FedEx
Architect/Engineer: CHA Consulting, Inc.
Completion Year: 2019
- 8 ea drilled piers @ 9’ diameter.
- 8 ea drilled piers @ 6’ diameter.
- 1000 SF h-pile and lagging earth retention

Monon Trail over 38th Street
Project Location: Indianapolis, IN
Owner: Department of Public Works Indianapolis and Indianapolis Parks Department
Architect/Engineer: CHA
Completion Year: 2021

White River State Park Concert Venue
Project Location: Indianapolis, IN
Owner: White River State Park Development Comm.
Architect/Engineer: Axis Architecture
Completion Year: 2020
- 21 ea 4’ diameter drilled piers @ 30’ to 55’ in length
- 3 ea 2’ diameter drilled piers @ 25’ in length